It's only Week 4, people. We have a ways to go but some of the chaff is getting separated from the wheat(?). We open with Bekah frolicking in the pool and the women talking behind her back about how young she is and if she's ready to get married. We see a Krystal interview clip and I have to quote this because it's awesome in how delusional it is: ..."they're living in like, such a false reality and I want Arie to be able to see that. And so I'll be that voice of reason."
Chris comes in and tells the women very dramatically that they're packing up and heading to Tahoe. The producers kill time with dramatic music and shots of Tahoe. We find Arie enjoying the view. Apparently Hard Rock Hotel has paid to sponsor this stay. Well, Arie's staying at the Hard Rock. The ladies get a sweet ski chalet. As the women settle in, there's a knock at the door. Bekah the nanny answers the door to get the date card and Seinne gets the one-on-one. Arie shows up right after to whisk Seinne away. Krystal thinks that Seinne is going home.
Seinne and Arie go parasailing and of course draw comparisons between parasailing and falling in love. Seinne isn't ready to pronounce her love yet, so clearly she's here for the wrong reasons. You need to be prepared to announce your'e in love very quickly. Seinne expresses her concerns about why she was picked for the one-on-one and he assures her it was because he's interested in her. She clearly has too much going for her so it's unclear what led her to come on the show.
Back at the house, Maquel calls her mom and finds out that her grandpa passed away. She leaves to deal with that and it's uncertain if she's coming back to the show. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
The next card shows u[p and it's a group date. Bekah M. is giddy when her name isn't called and she finds out she's getting the other one-on-one. It is super annoying. Back at Seinne's date, they head into the dinner portion. Seinne tells him she wants to learn how to wink like he does. Seinne, it's easier to wink when you have beady little eyes like Arie. Yours are normal sized and lovely. Just practice.
It's Seinne's turn to ask Arie for the umpteenth time why he hasn't fallen in love since Emily and he gives the same answer that he's given to everyone else. Seinne talks about her parents' difficult relationship but she hasn't revealed any major trauma or "story". Oh wait, her story is there weren't any black Disney princesses growing up. That perhaps came out more snarky than intended. It was more targeted at Disney's whiteness than Seinne. She really does seem lovely. But kind of a weak angle. But, if you're too normal for this show, you're too normal. Obviously Arie gives her the rose because sometimes even total morons get it right. Still, I'm skeptical that she'll make it to the end. But you never know. I don't think she'll get cut for a few more weeks at a minimum.
The musical act for their date is Lanco. I have no idea who he/they are. There are a ton of other people there and they're on a stage dancing and everyone is watching them. It's creepy.
Group Date
It's group date time and it should be interesting. Krystal's ready to give Arie the low-down on why all of these women except her are wrong for him. Kendall's positive that she's going to shine on this date. They are greeted by some survivalists and their first task is peeing in a thermos. And then they're told to drink it. Arie goes first and some of the women are ready to try and he stops them just in time and tells them he was drinking apple juice.
Next, some of the women eat worms. It's okay for Krystal to be aggressive with Arie, but when other women do it, it's desperate. Kendall steals Arie away. Krystal watches them make-out. Next the women pick up backpacks and have to navigate out of the woods. Good luck with that one. They're on three different teams. The women who aren't on Arie's team are understandably frustrated. No surprise, a few of the women don't enjoy the outdoorsy stuff. The women seem to be struggling to navigate. Of course, the women with Arie are having a lovely time. They get to finish line, which is at a hot springs/hot tub and fortunately they all have their bathing suits on. Is that required? To wear your bikini at all times because you never know when you'll stumble upon a hot tub or hot springs?
Krystal's cuddling with Arie and the other women make fun of them. Krystal is of course irked. Eventually the rest of the women show up. No, Krystal, it's not real life. It's the Bachelor.
The evening portion of the date is soon upon us and Krystal again talks about how exhausting it was to watch the other women act so desperate. Arie steals Lauren away first. Arie is apparently looking for someone with a flexible schedule. Hmm. Being selfless, he also doesn't want it to be all about him. He's willing to be supportive of his partner as well. How modern of him. Thankfully, Lauren is also looking for something similar. Phew. It looks like Lauren might get a one-on-one date next. Next up is Kendall. Apparently Kendall brought her stuffed duckling, Ping, on the date. Arie hides the awkwardness of this conversation by ramming his tongue down Kendall's throat.
Krystal speaks nonsense and the women collectivley roll their eyes/ignore her. I know the producers painted Chelsea as this competitive single mom, but her impersonation of Kyrstal in her interview is awesome and she's totally gone up in my book. For now. Still, for now, Krystal's fakeness, self-absorbtion and delusions are the only intresting thing about this season. My money is she'll be on the two-on-one, whenever that is.
Krystal finally gets her time with Arie and plays her fake act and tells Arie that she has a target on her back. Arie doesn't seem that interested in dealing with the drama. Krystal joins the crowd again and pulls Tia and Caroline aside. She tells them she felt attacked today by them and they aren't buying it. Needless to say, it goes about as well as you'd expect. Tia leaves and goes to find Arie. Tia plays it better with Arie than Krystal does. Arie gives her the "you're sepcial and you just need to trust me" speech.
It's rose time and Krystal prepares herself to get the rose but Arie gives it to Tia. Krystal is understandably confused and continues to talk about how she's better than everyone.
Bekah M's Date
As Bekah leaves for the date, the talk at the house is, of course, about Bekah's age. They ride horses and of course end up in a hot tub. Arie talks about himself and they make out. Chelsea and Caroline continue to talk about her age and how that's a deal breaker. Because the 23 and 24 YOs are so much more mature.
Arie talks about how he tends to think with his penis and Bekah's such a babe and he's trying to think with his penis a little bit less. He asks her if she's ready for a commitment. Because at 36, he's old. And he's different than he was in his 20s. He wants to make sure that she'll do the same things as him. She finally tells him that she's 22 and he's clearly concerned. But she gets up early to go rock climbing, so she gets up early on Saturdays like old people in their 30s. She perhaps Mormon or part of a weird religion where people get married super early because people in her family get married really early.
Arie has perhaps the most honest conversation that we've seen him have this entire season thus far. Despite what the other women think, I don't see Bekah's age as a deal breaker quite yet. Arie gives a long speech about their age and obviously still gives her the rose.
Cocktail Party...or not
It's Cocktail Party time and tensions are running high this week. Krystal, while constantly calling out everyone else's insecurities, is of course insecure. The women continue to discuss how fake Krystal is. Instead of Arie, Chris shows up. Arie has made up his mind and wants to go straight to the Rose Ceremony. Whee!
Krystal is in panic mode. Chris asks Arie what led him to cancel the Cocktail Party and to his credit he knows who he wants to cut.
Rose Ceremony
Arie gives his speech about love, blah blah blah and Krystal is clearly anxious. Before he can give the first rose away, Krystal speaks up and asks if she can speak to Arie. The women sit down because they're not going anywhere. The women collectively don't think this is a good move for Krystal but let's see how this plays out.
Krystal lays it on thick. It's hard to get a read on whether Arie's buying any of it but his body language seems off. The Rose Ceremony commences...again. I would have been surprised if Krystal had gotten cut this week. There seem to be other women that he's "not making connections with", so I think she would have been safe. One rose remains and there are three women left. My guess is it's going to Krystal. And sure enough, it goes to Krystal. She is visibly relieved. Caroline and Brittany go home. Brittany hasn't gotten much screen time so it wasn't a huge surprise. More than anything, Caroline is pissed that she lost to Krystal.
Krystal continues with her craziness next week.
Closing credits
With Annaliese's departure, we're missing out on key traumas. The closing credits educated us on "glam shaming". This is shaming others (in this case, Marikh) from checking themselves out. Caitlin assures us she's very pro-glam. She's not a glamist.
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