Saturday, January 11, 2014

An introduction to my new blog

Welcome to my new blog!  In one of my previous posts on my other blog, I discussed what I might write about post-treatment.  For those that said they liked my writing and thought I should continue writing, you flatter (and encourage) me.  So here we go.

As I mentioned in that post, despite having two Master's degrees, I am fascinated by pop culture and celebrities, although I use the term "celebrity" loosely.  For example, I do not consider any of the Kardashians to be celebrities.  They are "celebrities".

This blog will be a mix of the three topics I previously shared:
  1. Celebrity conspiracies
  2. Media's portrayal of celebrities
  3. General celebrity narcissism
I'm starting this blog off with a conspiracy.  My first one for 2013?  Ke$ha.