Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Bachelor: Week 7

Now that Krystal is gone and the Bachelor Winter Games have started, I'm not going to lie, I'm forcing myself to watch Arie's season.  But dear readers, I am nothing if not a giver, so I'm making myself watch this before I watch the Winter Games.

The gang is in Tuscany and the women film right near the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is smaller than I expected.  Arie says he's eager to drink wine.  Perhaps he didn't realize that there is good wine in France too?  Even Fort Lauderdale!  Chris joins them and reminds them that Hometown Dates are next week.  Chris tells the women that there's no rose ceremony this week.  It's three one-on-ones and a group date.

The ladies head to their hotel and Becca K gets the first date.  This is Becca's first date since getting the first one-on-one. I think she has a pretty good chance of getting the rose but we'll see what happens.  A few of you have said to me that you think she has a good chance of winning this whole thing and if she can gain ground during this date, I think she has a chance too.

Back at the house, Jacqueline is having doubts.  Jacqueline is being rational and isn't sure of the process and realizes it's going to be super weird for him to meet her family.

Back at Becca's date, Arie asks her who he would meet next week IF he gives her the rose.  He'd meet her mom and her boyfriend.  The boyfriend is very observant.  Uncle Gary will be there too.  Even though she dated a guy for seven years, this ex didn't seem to spend a lot of time with her family, or there was no official "meet the boyfriend" ceremony.  That's kind of odd.  Anyway, I lose interest and no shocker she gets the rose.

Lauren's One-on-One
Lauren is the next one to get a one-on-one, which surprises the women since she just had a one-on-one.  Bekah (nanny) is super irked.  The women go around giving their opinion and Jacqueline isn't that interested.  Becca comes back from her date and Jacqueline continues her downward spiral.  She knocks on what I assume is Arie's door.  After the break we find out it is indeed Arie's door.  Jacqueline talks about her confusion.  Arie gets a scared and defensive look in his beady eyes when any of these women want to talk to him about something serious.  Jacqueline is nervous about taking Arie home and before she knows it she's married and living in Scottsdale and doesn't know how her life ended up this way.  Arie, to his credit, tells her that they wouldn't need to get married right away.  They don't have to get married.  In fact, statistically, they're going to break up (he doesn't say that part).  Jacqueline is clearly too rational for this show.  She's also probably concerned her family will laugh her out of the room next week, which is a valid fear.

It's not clear what Jacqueline is doing.  Is she staying?  I'm very confused.  I had forgotten she still has six years of school left.  She's interested and really likes him.  She tells the women that she's leaving.  Was this obvious to everyone but me?  Because it was unclear to me if she was staying or not.  The women are "sad" to see her go but really happy because it's one less person to compete with.  Kendall starts bawling when Jacqueline leaves.  Maybe Jacqueline will make a last minute appearance later.  She has said a few times she isn't good at being happy.  Bekah the Nanny, not one to let Jacqueline get all of the attention, is also having doubts.

Finally, Lauren's date starts.  We all know that Lauren was holding back last week and the two of them had a super awkward date.  Lauren seems a little more animated this week.  Arie shows off some of his bike riding skills.  I'm waiting for him to totally wipe out but sadly he doesn't.  Arie's ready to grill Lauren and/or cut her.  Lauren is honest about being nervous about Arie meeting her family.  Instead of having a conversation about this, they decide to play soccer.  I don't see these two together.  At all.  If he keeps her I think it will be because he has a thing for blondes.  The fact that there are only two blondes left says more about how boring/crazy the blondes were than how great the brunettes are.

Back at the house, the women have a very deep conversation about how they have a role in their feelings as well, it's not just about Arie.  The next date card arrives and while Kendall is hoping she'll get it, it goes to Seinne. The women aren't happy.  I didn't see Seinne lasting this long, if only because she's way smarter and could do so much better.  But to Arie's credit, he's kept her around.

Back at Lauren's date, Arie continues to be worried about Lauren and her walls.  This is her last chance.  Lauren toasts to breaking down walls.  Lauren does a great job opening up and Arie decides to walk off.  Awk-ward.  He leaves her there all by herself and she starts crying.  What is he doing?  Understandably, Lauren regrets opening up.  Arie finally comes back.  He insists that nothing is wrong and he was really happy and that he's falling in love with her, which I don't think he's said to anyone else yet.  Lauren is relieved.  Obviously she gets the rose.  Two down, two to go.

Seinne's One-on-One
It's Seinne's date and I am skeptical she'll get the rose.  They are going truffle hunting.  The truffle hunter invites Seinne and Arie to have lunch with them.  There is nothing worth commenting about this date.  They transition into the evening portion of the date and Arie doesn't want to compare Seinne to Becca and Lauren, but he compares her to Becca and Lauren.  Seinne and Arie talk about how open the truffle hunter and his family were talking about love and Seinne shares that isn't the standard for her.  Arie asks Seinne if she's nervous about hometowns and she says yes.  Seinne basically tells Arie that she doesn't think about him when she's away from him.  The whole conversation is pretty awkward.

Back at the house, the women speculate about how Arie and Seinne's date is going.  The women agree that they don't want Seinne to come back.  The final date card arrives and obviously it's Kendall, Tina and Bekah.

Back at the date, Seinne goes all in and talks about how she doesn't want this to be the end but the look on Arie's face suggests this is the end.  Arie picks up the rose, giving Seinne false hope.   Sure enough, he doesn't give her the rose.  Seinne says she's surprised and it's pretty awkward.  They have an awkward goodbye (I need to start using the thesaurus and find synonyms to awkward) and the women see Seinne's bag taken out of the suite.  Bekah the nanny is psyched that there are now two roses.  Tia's getting fed up with Bekah.

Group Date
Nanny Bekah, Tia and Kendall have an awkward group date with Arie.  With any luck Bekah will get sent home, although after her mom reported her missing, I'm a little curious to see her family.  Kendall and Arie talk about what her hometown will be like.  Arie acknowledges that she should be nervous that their relationships started a little later than the others but she says she'd move to him.  Try to hold a little something back, Kendall.

Tia and Bekah make awkward conversation and Tia asks Bekah again if she's still feeling insecure.   Bekah says she's homesick.  Tia's annoyed that Bekah's so young and not there for the wrong reasons per se, but not as desperate to settle down as Tia is.  Tia shares her feelings with Arie about Bekah's lack of experience.  Keep in mind that Tia is the ripe old age of 26. 

Prediction: I think Kendall will get eliminated next week and the final two will be Lauren and Becca, with Tia in third.  And then Tia can be the next Bachelorette and their marketing campaign can be "The Love Doctor is in".   Get it?  Because she's apparently a doctor?  I'm just brainstorming here, people.  NO. BAD. IDEAS.

Tia tells Becca what she said to Arie about her.  Becca starts crying.  She doesn't like to not be seen for who she really is.  It's unclear what that is.  Bekah runs to Arie crying about what Tia said and she's blubbering in Arie's shirt and he clearly has no idea what she's talking about.  Remember, people in Bekah's family marry early.  In fact, her family probably already views her as an Old Maid.  I'm sure that the Bachelor Producers are already making a note to have Bekah be the Bachelorette in 3-4 years or so.  And she can insist that maybe she wasn't ready when she was 22 but she's ready now in 2021.  Watch my words.  Oh and she's getting gray hair already.  That does kind of suck.  She's so fucking annoying.  I do like her outfit though.  I think this is the most clothes she's worn on this show yet.  That's not slut-shaming, just an observation.

Arie comes back and he's ready to give out a rose.  I think he'll give the first rose to Kendall so we can continue to watch Tia squirm.  He won't give the second rose out quite yet. this show is so predictable.  I mean, except for last week when I was pleasantly surprised that Arie chose Kendall over Krystal.  I guess Kendall getting the rose means she gets to leave the date so it's down to Bekah and Tia.  Tia doesn't look happy.

The date is now a two-on-one.  Tia needs a Xanax, stat.  Bekah and Tia don't seem to be compadres any more.  The claws are out and Tia gives a passive aggressive toast.  Arie pulls Tia aside first.  Tia continues to tell Arie how strong her feelings are blah blah blah.

Next it's Bekah's turn and she continues to say age is just a number.  Arie says he's "trying to be logic".  Oh, Arie.  Why do you say especially idiotic things around Bekah?  Bekah continues to assure us she's ready for mawage.

Finally it's time for Arie to pick one of the women.  Arie gives a speech about how difficult a decision this was but he's confident in it and Tia gets the rose.  Tia is of course elated.  Arie walks Bekah out and she starts sobbing in the car.  Her eyeliner(I think?) is smudged all over her face.  Even Arie sheds a tear but he could tell their lives wouldn't fit together.  Arie, you should be commended for your brave choices.

Next week
Kendall has fun with her taxidermy collection and that's only the start of the drama.  None of the dads seem that enthused with Arie.  It's going to be awesome.

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