Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Bachelor: After After the Final Rose

I'm finally watching this, what three-ish weeks later?  The beginning is a lot of filler that we saw in the previous episode.  After Arie finally left, they clearly forced Becca to do interviews and lots of shots of her crying.  Arie keeps saying how difficult it was for him to do this to her.  They film Becca going home.  Arie meets up with Jason because he's the only one that has previously pulled this crap.

Arie goes to meet up with Lauren but has a "panic attack" in her driveway.  What if things don't work out with Lauren?  He would have gone through this for nothing.  Poor Arie.  The producers continue to force Becca to film her looking at pictures and sit in on interviews. It's painful to watch.

We are also forced to watch Arie's pathetic "panic attack" as he visits Lauren.  If he was worried about Lauren's reaction, he doesn't need to because she basically jumps into his arms when she opens the door.  Still Lauren claims she has a bunch of questions.  He tells Lauren he's totally over Becca, which will probably suck for Becca to hear.  Lauren forgives Arie and says she had always wished he'd come back.

The Ladies Share Their Perspective
When we come back from the break, some of Becca's friends are on the couch to share their thoughts.  None of them blame Lauren, they blame Arie.  They call Arie manipulative and cold. Chris asks the women about them televising the breakup and not a huge shocker, they are fine with it.  And they hope that Lauren runs for the hills ASAP.

Becca's Time
After the commercial break, Chris commends Becca for coming back on the show, although we all know that she was contractually obligated to, whether she wanted to or not.  She's obviously nervous.  Chris asks for her opinion on them filming the breakup and she has rehearsed her script and says it was painful, but she signed up for this and it gave her closure.  We all know that's BS but she's in a tough spot.

Arie was shady from the beginning--he didn't tell Becca until a week after that he'd reached out to Lauren, but Becca wasn't concerned at the time.

Arie finally comes out and Becca actually hugs him, which is big of her.  This is so awkward.  Essentially, Arie didn't have the balls to break up with Becca until he was sure that Lauren was going to take him back.   She then asks why it took him so long to tell her that he had reached out and he says that he didn't want to be rush his decision.  Dude, that wasn't the question.  He then says how hard it was for him because she was in Minnesota. This gets a response from Becca and the audience.

For some inexplicable reason Kendall is sobbing on Bekka's shoulder.  Perhaps they're tears of relief from being the 2nd runner up?  Arie apologizes for proposing and Becca tells Arie she forgives him.  She's a better person than me, that's for sure.

Jason and Molly
Jason and Molly are forced on the show since up until now, Jason's been the only one to do this sort of thing.  Jason assures us Arie is a nice guy but no one buys it.  I'm assuming they were paid pretty well for this appearance unless as a couple from the show the have a perpetual contract that obligates them to show up on these shows for the rest of their lives.

Arie and Lauren
Arie's back, apologizing but not really. Lauren comes out and is forced to relive her last few days on the show.  Lauren was initially unimpressed by Arie's outreach and she asked Arie if Becca knew he was reaching out.  We now know that he lied about that to Lauren since he didn't tell Becca until a week after.  Lauren's reserved personality continues to shine through.  Arie reminds us that we don't understand what he's going through.  Chris asks the hard hitting question of how they're going to get through this.  And then we watch perhaps the most awkward proposal in Bachelor history. Chris halfheartedly congratulates them.

Bachelorette Announcement
We all know at this point that it's Becca.  Becca's friends come up and they all sit on the couch together.  Do you remember when Rachel met some of her guys on this episode?  And it was totally weird?  Well, apparently the producers didn't think it was weird because Becca's meeting some of her guys right now. 

Fresh Meat
I didn't catch the first guy's name but he's adorable, despite the bow tie.   The next guy,  Chase--NOOOO.  He reminds me of Rachel's choice.  OMG, they're going to constantly remind us what she went through.  Becca doesn't seem to like this guy as much either. UGH, the next guy shows up with a fucking banjo (and a bow tie).  Which is a shame, because he's totally hot.  The next guy brings up Arie AGAIN.  I didn't catch his name either.  How long are we going to have to do this for?  The next guy brings a horse.  His name is Blake.  Finally Becca's put out of her misery.

The Bachelorette premiere is only two months away but that feels like forever!  See you soon!

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