This season's "twist" is Rachel will be live watching the episode with Chris, which should be interesting. And all three guys are in the studio and she'll have to face them as well. The shot they showed of them was too quick to tell who looked the happiest.
In other random news, apparently Juan Pablo is married. No word on who the
Finally we get to the episode and we start back with Peter. Despite how the drama ended at the last episode, they seem to be talking things through. I had forgotten that it's still Fantasy Suite time so they need to decide if they're going to "forgo their individual rooms." Peter may not be prepared to propose but he's not an idiot so of course they decide to continue their time together.
The Next Day...
The night went well but it doesn't seem they have resolved their issues.
Bryan's Day
Ugh, Bryan just doesn't do it for me. Please pick Peter. Puh-lease. We have to watch them make-out all day, listen to his smugness and watch them drink delicious wine. Rachel is clearly distracted and to Bryan's credit he notices this and at dinner he confronts her about it. She doesn't really own up to the distraction but says that it's not him or anything he did and she apologizes for acting that way. No shocker, he's down for the fantasy suite. All of those candles would make me nervous. I'd be convinced I'd trip or knock into them and burn the whole place down.
I love Rachel without all of the makeup and I wish the show would let her wear no makeup more often.
Rose Ceremony
There's a long unnecessary build-up to the rose ceremony. Bryan's outfit looks ridiculous without a tie. Eric looks better, but his t-shirt is too casual for the jacket. Peter of course looks best but I'm not a fan of tie clips. No shocker, Bryan gets the first rose, cutting it down to Peter and Eric. I almost can't watch. Thankfully (and despite the drama, not unsurprisingly), Peter gets the rose.
Eric keeps things classy and has nothing but love for Rach. I don't think he was actually in love with her so feelings aren't hurt too badly. Since we've already had Rachel's hometowns, I wonder what this week holds in store date-wise.
Back at the Live Show
Rachel meets up with Eric for the first time since she let him go. It was boring.
One Last Date with Bryan
Rachel gets one last date with Bryan. It goes fine, he gives her a Spanish English dictionary. We have to watch him ram his tongue down her throat, it's gross.
One Last Date with Peter
Rach is a nervous wreck about this date. They explore a beautiful monastery and get pre-marriage counseling from a monk, who is far nicer than I would have expected for someone that was probably forced to allow cameras into his monastery. And by "forced" I mean "ABC gave a generous donation to allow for the ongoing upkeep of the monastery but as part of the deal I have to act interested in these people."
Peter and Rachel continue to go around and around about proposing vs marriage. Honestly at this point in the season, I just want to find out who the Bachelor/Bachelorette picks. Similar to Bryan calling out Rachel about not being present during their Fantasy Suite dates, I give Peter credit for not giving in to proposing to someone that he's only known a few weeks. It makes you wonder if he understood what he had signed up for, but whatevs. He's not as naive as Vanessa was, I'll give him that.
Rachel mopes down the street and shows up at Peter's room. My guess is she's going to do to him what Andi did to Nick and break things off now. They talk things out. Again. Peter apologizes that he's not ready to propose after only knowing her a month. Despite the ickiness of ending up with Bryan, she needs to go with her gut on this and cut Peter loose. Peter asks her if SHE knows without a doubt that HE'S the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Rachel refuses to answer because she'll owe ABC money if she reveals that.
I'm tickled that they've seemingly gone through a bottle of wine and someone was considerate enough to bring them dessert but they haven't touched it.
I will say that this is probably the most realistic relationship conversation I ever recall witnessing on this show, so much so that it's becoming uncomfortable to watch (but not that uncomfortable that I'm not watching). Or maybe you never dated someone with commitment issues so this doesn't resonate with you. I was starting to think that the false eyelashes are probably getting awkward at this point and as Peter awkwardly walks Rachel out, it's clear she's taken them off. Thank goodness.
To quote Chris, this is by far one of the most dramatic and emotional good-byes I've ever seen. It's going to be awkward as f*** when they cut away to Rachel and Chris watching this. It's indeed awkward and to make things more awkward, Peter and Rachel speak for the first time since that night. The awkwardness continues. The Nick/Andi reunion was awkward and this was right up there with that. I'm trying to think of a better word than awkward but I can't come up with one. In talking to Peter, Rachel claims there were other red flags that she saw, which I would have been interested in hearing more about, but she doesn't get into it. And as they go to the break, Rachel gets one last dig in about how great her life is now. Oh Rach, did you have to go there? Sigh. Turns out her eyelashes fell off from the crying.
Oy, Peter's still on stage. He is clearly so uncomfortable, I feel terrible for him. Chris will not let this end. Finally he puts Peter out of his misery and lets him go. I think I need a little break after that.
Last One Standing
Is it safe to say that Bryan's been completely overshadowed here? They pretty much fast forward through the whole ring selection, final getting ready, etc. Rachel appropriately feels weird about moving on so quickly from last night.
Bryan proclaims his love but the intense wind is very distracting. Rachel looks uncomfortable getting her hair blown about. When she starts talking I'm starting to wonder if she's going to send Bryan away too and he's starting to seem a little less cocky. But of course she's just playing him and she proclaims her love and it's clear that all she wants is the proposal.
Live Show
Bryan re-proposes. I throw up in my mouth a little. They gush and there's another commercial break. They were clearly making out the entire time and Chris' face is priceless. Chris asks Bryan about his mom and he claims her and Rachel get along really well. Sure. Rachel's family still doesn't like Bryan but they trust Rachel. Rach's mom is relieved that while she's waiting for Bryan's chiropractor rage to emerge, he's not as creepy as her other son-in-law.
BIP Preview
Finally, the moment I've been waiting for--Bachelor in Paradise. Despite the fact that "nothing" came of the Corinne/Demario "incident" (translation: Corinne was possibly paid off but as part of the pay-out her attorneys found "nothing"), it's interesting that ABC decided to confront the issue head on by leading with that. We'll see if they address it anymore next week. The best news is that DANIEL'S BACK. Oh Daniel, I can't wait to see you. A lot of the other people blur together so it's hard to see who hooks up with whom, but there are a lot of tears, including Dean, who is torn between Kristina (now a blond) and one of the twins (bleh). What's-his-face is the crazy bartender and plays with puppets. The hipser DJ guy. Is the other bartender gone? Will the DJ be allowed to find love or will he be limited to random drunk hook-ups? Jasmine seems to mount several men (came out way snarkier than intended, I already love her). I'm so excited!!!
Chris is trying to wrap up the show and Bryan and Rachele aren't even paying attention. Another season over. We'll see if Rachel and Bryan last. Maybe she'll go back to Peter. It's anybody's guess who the next Bachelor will be. Is America ready for an African-American Bachelor? Peter seems like an unlikely candidate at this time but you never know. Thanks for reading everyone! See you next week for BIP!
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