Saturday, March 11, 2017

Show review: The Bachelor, Women Tell All

You know the end of the Bachelor journey is coming when the Tell All show arrives.  While I wait for the commercials and the long intro to run, I wanted to thank you guys for reading my humble little blog.  Since my average views on my Bachelor posts far exceed my book review posts and those of you who comment on FB seem to like my snarky comments, I'm going to continue if you all are down with that?  Also, I'm even more excited to blog about BIP because it's a far more fun show than the Bachelor/Bachelorette series anyway.  And I don't know about you, but I'm psyched for Rachel's Bachelorette season.  I'll definitely setup a bracket if you guys want to participate.

As Chris continues to drone on, I find these episodes pretty unsatisfying because there just isn't enough time to get into everything.  However, they do seem to be setting this up to be the Corinne show.

Bachelor Viewing Parties:  I've never understood this (obviously since I never get around to watching until several days later).  Who are all of these people that gather on a Monday night?  And why are there so many kids at these parties?  Also, that may be the nicest sorority house I've ever seen in my life.  I guess that's the rich girl house. It's nice to see that eating disorders are alive and well in sororities.

Introductions:  I don't remember half of these women.  How quickly they leave our memories.  Or maybe just my memory.

Do you think the final season of the Bachelor will be Chris Harrison's turn?  How creepy would that be?

It's weird to me that they're all talking about Corinne and providing a rationale for her behavior while she's sitting right there.  Also, I don't remember Elizabeth at all.  Chris is losing the show with the women bickering.

Liz: Liz is up first. In case you forgot, Liz is the one that slept with Nick at Jade and Tanner's wedding.  Her intentions were "questioned".  Was she there for the "right reasons"?  Liz gives a good "woman power" mantra and if her family was going to diss her because she had a one night stand then they're not worth her time anyway.  It's 2017 people.  Also, she lives in Vegas so even if she's from Nebraska, I doubt her family has illusions that she's a saint unless they think she's a part of Mormon Mafia that runs Vegas (if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, just google "Mormons run Vegas".

Taylor:  While I liked that she stood up to Corinne, Taylor was condescending and entitled.  Also, she's 23 freaking years old and while she claims she has a high EQ she has poor social skills.  But get over yourself.  We know--you're fucking brilliant.  You're also 23 (have I mentioned that yet?). Corinne walks off to get herself a drink.  I'm not sure how Taylor's being shamed for her profession but not everybody wants to be helped.  Maybe keep it down to those who pay you or ask for your help.  However, perhaps the fact that you're condescending and 23 is driving your ability to get new patients rather than the show.  Also, Corinne will never admit that she did anything wrong.  Thankfully we're promised her side of the story since she's been so quiet and patient.

Corinne:  That was a pretty good Corinne montage.  Not everybody naps Corinne.  I'm not dismissing the benefits of naps but you are never going to take ownership for anything because you're 24 years old and entitled.  And that' fine.  This is why I don't really like these episodes because the women just start yelling at each other for the most idiotic things, like napping.  There's zero closure.  However, since Corinne's the most entertaining person on the show she gets to stay on the hot seat.  Sigh.

Oh my gosh can we please move on?  I'm so tired of the Taylor/Corinne thing.  Finally, we're onto Raquel.  But not really.  It's very thoughtful that despite the fact that Raquel is clearly paid staff, she's more than a cleaning lady.

Kristina:  Kristina's the bad ass from Russia whose Mom kicked her out when she was my daughters' ages (who are five and seven).  Nick gave Rachel and Kristina pretty much the same script: "I want you to know you're amazing".  I'd probably have the same reaction as them where they thought, "You're saying I'm great..but it's not good enough."  Nick needs to work on his breakup speech but at this point it's probably moot.

Nick:  According to Chris it's the moment we've all been waiting for!  I'm still pretty sure that Nick is NOT one of Chris' favorite Bachelors.  What is Danielle wearing and why is her hair white now?  I don't remember Hailey either (the Marketing person?  Is that her name? I couldn't be bothered to rewind and double-check).  Nick, nobody cares about your tears.  Nick awkwardly defends himself to Kristina and the other Danielle.  Nick--stop bringing it back to your previous journeys. Nobody cares and it doesn't make any of the women feel better.

Again, I don't remember her name, but the question about whether Nick finds a love that surpasses his previous loves and his reluctance to answer the question was strange.  I don't think I've seen that answer before.  Most of the time the answer is, "yes, I'm incredibly happy", even if the relationship doesn't last.

Bloopers:  They had bloopers.  They were sort of funny.

Rachel: Rachel's on to promote her upcoming journey as the Bachelorette.  I don't know when it starts but it's not going to be soon enough.  Because if it's timed right then BIP starts right AFTER.  Chris likes Rachel and is likely excited that he'll no longer need to interact with Nick anymore.

Coming attractions:  It's coming guys!  Who does he choose?  And why do they keep taking these poor women to cold places?  I assume they're in Wisconsin.  I'm confused why Nick is saying he'll leave heartbroken if he doesn't find love--you're the freaking Bachelor, dude!  You get to decide!  Stop being so self-centered!  And they're not in Wisconsin, they're in Rovaniemi.  Vanessa crying in front of his dad(?) looks incredibly awkward.

Who will he choose?  Honestly I don't know.  I don't think either will last.  I want him to pick Raven but I think he might pick Vanessa.  Vanessa's way too emotional (which isn't bad, just not conducive to having a successful relationship with somebody you met on a reality show) and their conversations are so intense and serious.  However, I think playing all that up is the producers way of thinking that he'll pick Vanessa and not Raven.  Or maybe he'll pick no one.  Then he'll be least until he finds love again.  Raven would certainly be easier and we know that her dad was ready to sell her off, so she'd probably go wherever he wants to go and they can not form traditions.  What do you guys think?

Whatever happens, I just might have to blog live.  However, it is a three hour event, but I assume the last hour is the "After the Final Rose" show and I can catch up on that later.  Either that or book a "meeting" first thing Tuesday morning.

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