Title: Young Money: Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street's post-crash Recruits
Author: Kevin Roose
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Summary: Wall Street. It used to be the go-to job of Ivy grads looking to make money and set themselves up for a long boring career that would make them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. But how has the 2008 crash changed this career path and does it still hold the same appeal to today's generation getting out of college?
Review: I was intrigued by this book and the peek it provided into a world that holds no interest to me yet I'm sort of fascinated by it. What's the point of working 100 hour weeks if you can't enjoy life? I liked that some of these kids didn't buy into the hype. This world will always hold some appeal to some but it's promising to hear that it seems to have lost its luster.
Time to write: 1:56
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