Title: World Made by Hand
Author: James Howard Kunstler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Summary: The world as we know it has ended. Washington DC was blown up and there might be a new President, but nobody's really sure. Everybody has had to start over because there isn't any access to oil, gas or electricity is intermittent at best. In the town of Union Grove, New York, the residents have created their own society. When a pack of religious extremists come to town, they bring their own brand of law and order.
Review: If you read this blog often you know I'm a sucker for a good post-apocalypse tale. Reading books like this one where everybody that survives has to start over reminds me how screwed I'd be in an actual apocalypse and that deep down I really am quite a princess. I might enjoy becoming a farmer though I suspect I'd become a vegetarian because I don't think I could handle killing and taking care of my own meat/chicken/game. Anyway, the book. The book is good and apparently part of a series. I'm not sure if there's a prequel to this. It seems like there might be because the book glosses over what led to the apocolaypse, implying that one already knew. Or it really wasn't that important. Reading about the book on Amazon it apparently started when the world's oil supply ran out. I didn't really pick up on this at all. I thought it was about an epidemic. Regardless, I look forward to reading the next one in the series.
Time to write: 4:32
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