Title: The Race Underground
Author: Doug Most
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Summary:This book details the development of the Boston and New York Subway systems.
Review: This is a non-fiction book. I don't read many non-fiction books these days. In my mind these require more brain power. Perhaps this is true, perhaps it isn't. In this case, there were so many different characters involved, it was hard to keep track of at times. Anyway, this was a really interesting book. There were times I almost gave up--after the Boston subway was completed and New York still hadn't started their own I couldn't help but think, "so where is this going?". But in many ways the development of the New York subway was even more interesting than the Boston part. I think anybody that lives in either Boston or New York will enjoy reading about what the cities looked like back at the turn of the century.
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