Title: The Headmaster's Wife
Author: Thomas Christopher Greene
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Summary: Arthur Winthrop is the headmaster at the prestigious Lancaster School in Vermont. His dad and grandfather were also headmasters at Lancaster. This book opens with Arthur being arrested for wandering naked in Central Park. The story unfolds to review the events that led Arthur to his arrest.
Review: This book was good but as more time passes between my finishing it and writing this review, it isn't really staying with me. Thus the reason for three vs. four stars. It starts off with Arthur having an affair with a student. This first part of the book is probably the best part as one realizes that what's happening might not be all that appears, which further adds to the intrigue. The book progresses to provide more insight and provides a point of view from his wife. It's a fast read and it was good, but it wasn't one of those books that I looked forward to reading at the end of the night. Nor was it a book that I would stay up late to keep reading.
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