Sunday, May 11, 2014

Book review: I Heart My Little A-Holes

Title: I Heart My Little A-Holes
Author: Karen Alpert
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Summary: Karen is the author of the Baby Sideburns blog. This book is a collection of essays on why children are a-holes. 

Review: This is a book only a mother could truly appreciate.  Or moms will appreciate it the most.  This is one of those books that I don't remember where I heard about it but I requested it from the library and shortly thereafter got an email about it that it was being held for me.

I ended up getting this book right before I went on vacation.  While I haven't blogged about it on my other blog (yet), we were going to California.  On a plane.  There's a whole chapter on traveling with children.  I wouldn't recommend bringing this book on the plane if you're traveling with children.

Needless to say, I found this book a lot funnier after our trip was over.  There were truly moments that I was doubled-over in laughter.  I don't know if Karen will notice links to her blog from this blog, but in the event that she does, I thought I'd provide answers to some of the book club questions she posed at the end of the book.  You're going to have to check out the book :
  1. Karen is!
  2. Bits (for both), toots and poop.
  3. I'd say normal.  I currently have a 2 YO lying on her back screaming for her Daddy.  
  4. Who am I to judge?  Am I a good mom?  Some days I'm not so sure.
  5. Another Holiday?  Are You F'ing Kidding Me?  Also, the section on homeschoolers.
 That's it for now. My reasons for not giving this book 5 out of 5 stars are two-fold:
  1. I started reading it on our vacation and couldn't get into it because I was so stressed out about not being "that family" on the plane.
  2. While I don't think I'm cut out to be a stay-at-home mom, I still secretly hate stay-at-home moms because they get to spend way more time with their kids than I do. So it's mainly spite.  If by some miracle the author actually reads this review--sorry. 

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