Friday, February 28, 2014

Question: Why do you review books that have been out so long?

You may (or may not) have noticed that the books I review have been out for some time.  I thought it might be helpful to explain why the books I’m reviewing have been out a while.  There are a few reasons for this:

  1. I only read library books.  I very, very rarely read books that are bought.  This creates a conundrum when people give me books for gifts. I love getting books for gifts.  Unfortunately, it takes me ages to actually get around to reading it because I usually have to read my library books first. 
  2. Are you aware I have two children?  Enough said.  I get a little bit of time at the end of the day to read.  I rarely read during the day if I do have some downtime because I usually end up falling asleep.  This doesn't help in staying on top of the latest and greatest.
  3. Because of the library, I have a system for how I check books out.  I put books on hold when I request them (rather than perusing at the library).  A lot of times I end up freezing these holds because I can only handle so many books checked out at a time.  I eventually unfreeze these books, months later most of the time.
  4. I am not a *real* book critic, so I don't get to review books pre-release.  Yet!
Hope that helps!

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