Title: The Enchanted
Author: Rene Denfeld
Rating: 2 stars out of 5
Summary: The Lady is a lawyer. She's a death row's inmate last chance at getting a reprieve for dying. Her current case is York. It's never fully explained what York did to get to death row, but does it really matter? York wants to die and doesn't want the Lady's services. But York's lawyers are paying for her, not York. Other stuff happens but it's not that interesting.
Review: This book was "eh". I couldn't get into it. The majority of the characters didn't have real names. There was another death row inmate that clearly had mental issues. The Lady was interesting and I liked her exploration of York's past and her revelation that they were both born from women who were mentally retarded (not the same woman in case you were wondering. At least I don't think so).
Maybe I was too simple for the book. I don't need a book to be deep, have themes, symbolism or metaphors. I like books where the characters have names and there aren't undercurrents of things going on that are unsaid but I should pick up on.
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