Title: I am having so much fun here without you
Author: Courtney Maum
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Summary: British artist Richard Haddon's first solo show in Paris has been a resounding success but he's too broken up over his mistress leaving him to enjoy it. When he discovers that a painting that he originally gave to his wife was sold, he's jarred back to reality and realizes he wants to stay with his wife. Unfortunately at the same time, Richard's wife founds out the extent of the affair and she kicks him out of the house. Thus begins a series of attempts of Richard trying to woo back his wife.
Review: Remember the post about a book not being memorable but not terrible? This is another one of those. This is another one of those books where I read the reviews when I was getting ready to write this and I thought, "what am I missing? Is it me? Am I not a sophisticated enough reader?" Well, maybe I'm not sophisticated, but if you want sophisticated reviews, I encourage you to check out The New Yorker or The New York Times Book Review. For regular ol' folk like me, this book wasn't particularly memorable or didn't grab me. So there.
Time to write: 2:05
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