Title: Aquarium
Author: David Vann
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Summary: Caitlin lives with her mom in Washington state. It's just the two of them. Caitlin's mom works as a docker at the port. After school each day Caitlin goes to the aquarium to lose herself in the underwater world. Caitlin befriends an elderly man at the aquarium. When he reveals his true identity Caitlin's world goes topsy turvy.
Review: Wow, Caitlin's mom is a piece of work. This is definitely a dark book and I'm glad to see that even though I'm writing this review late (again), the rating in my head a few months later matches but I noted to myself initially. A few things that I liked about this book:
1) Caitlin's spunk.
2) The location--it was great to revisit Seattle for a while through this book.
3) While disturbing, I liked how dark this book was.
4) The ending. While they had to go through a lot to get there and by no means were things wrapped in a pretty little bow, it was a promising end.
Time to write: 3:04
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