Title: Some Luck
Author: Jane Smiley
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Summary: Owning a farm is hard, no matter what year it is. And kids have a funny way of having their own personalities.
Rating: I was intrigued by the premise of this book. It has a One Day-esque feel to it in that it picks a day out of every year (although I realize that One Day is the same day every year), starting with 1920 and ending in the early 1950s. Each chapter rotates through various family members and what's going in their heads in that particular day. This book wasn't terrible, it just wasn't one that I really looked forward to picking up at the end of the day. It was pleasant enough, I suppose. I don't think I've read other works by Smiley, so I can't speak to how this one compares to her other publications. But all in all, not a lot of depth to the characters.
Time to write review: 4:01
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