Title: Psychos: A White Girls Problems Book
Author: Babe Walker
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Summary: Babe Walker is fresh out of rehab and looking to get her life back. She has the luxury of endless money, so this book is about her post-rehab adventures.
Review: I felt a lot better about disliking this book when I read in People magazine that Britney Spears loved it, although I'm not sure I believe she actually read it. I don't really see Britney as much of a reader. I digress. As I mentioned in my review on You Should Have Known, I'm getting a little tired of reading about characters that are rich and don't have to work. This is a mocu-memoir (If that's not already a real word then I'm making it up right now), I think. I'm pretty sure this person isn't real but is some persona that somebody made up. But again, I'm becoming older and out of touch, so...who knows.
Perhaps this is a sign that I'm getting old, but I didn't really get this book. In fact, I started reading it awhile ago but then put it down because I couldn't get into it. I like to think I have a pretty good sense of humor but I didn't really find this book that funny. All I kept thinking was, "she would be more interesting if she didn't get bailed out all the time". To Walker's credit, she has a blog too, which I enjoyed more than this book. But not enough to provide any sort of link on this review.
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