Title: Winter People
Author: Jennifer McMahon
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Summary: Ruthie Washburne is concerned when her mom suddenly disappears. Ruthie and her mom live in West Hall, Vermont. Ruthie and her little sister discover secrets as they search for their mom. West Hall was also home to Sara Harrison Shea, whose death in 1908 is still talked about. Townspeople said the ghost of Sara used to wander the town after dark.
Review: Admittedly, this book took me a while to get into. I'm not into monsters, but apparently I don't mind spells. Once I got into this book, I loved it. The back and forth between Sara's story and the present time was easy to keep track of (key for me since by the end of the day my brain is fried). It was kind of creepy and scary and you really didn't know how it was going to end. The ending left you hanging a bit, which I both love and loathe since I'm dying to know what was on the other side of the door. But that's what so great about endings like that--it leaves it up to your imagination. This is a great book for Halloween or just the upcoming winter. Nothing says winter like Vermont and nothing says Halloween like spells.
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