Title: A Circle of Wives
Author: Alice LaPlante
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Summary: Dr. John Taylor, a successful plastic surgeon, is discovered dead in a hotel room. The autopsy reveals his death wasn't accidental. His funeral brings together his three wives. Not his two exes and a current wife--his three current wives. It turns out that he was a bigamist. Stranger still, his first wife knew about and encouraged the two additional marriages. Needless to say, several people have motives for why they'd be angry enough to kill Dr. Taylor.
Rating: This book was intended to be sort of a palate cleanser for me. It seems like my last few reads have been on the intense and/or serious side, and I wanted a break from that. This was seemingly a good choice for that, but it was like I was expecting a mango sorbet but got lemon sorbet instead. It's fine, it's just not what I really, really wanted. There wasn't a lot of depth to the characters. I had a hard time keeping the wives straight, too. Also, the detective was the usual cliche--are detectives ever happy people? I'd like to see a book about a happy go lucky detective with a happy home life. Is that too much to ask?
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