This week we're finally out of the country and in warmer weather. I'm loving Becca's island clothes and more importantly, I'm loving Wills' animal prints. Chris Harrison decides to show up briefly and Becca and Chris talk things through. Becca's ready for no drama this week and in what may or may not be foreshadowing, is nervous about something bad happening.
Colton the "virgin" is nervous about Becca meeting his family. Do you think Colton puts on the facade of his virginity for his Christian family? Blake's ready to drop the L word. Both Becca and the guys' suites look awesome. Becca joins the guys at their place and explains that this week there's no rose ceremony, just three one-on-ones and a group date. She whisks Colton off first. Garrett's face is priceless. Blake continues his slow meltdown. Nobody expected Colton to get the one-on-one but they all agree that he needs to tell Becca
Colton's One-on-One
Becca thinks Colton is so freaking hot. Admittedly he's not really my type but to each her own. They make out on a beach all day. Colton's this close to telling her when Action shows up to tell them they need some conch in their life. So they go diving for conch,which is supposedly an aphrodisiac. Colton is not on board with this but he chokes it down. Becca doesn't think her and Colton need any help in that department and she's right--they don't. Because he's a wee bit young for erectile dysfunction.
Colton woodenly thanks Becca for having a great day and tells Becca he has something to share with her, but the buildup is so bad that Becca is freaked out. Again, Colton said he was so focused on football that he never had time for a relationship. Which is fine. However, I don't buy for a second that it means he didn't have time to get laid. Not to say that football players are nymphos, but come on, Colton. How dumb do you think we are? Not even Becca's buying it with her, "really?" response. She 100% thinks that he's lying. She looks kind of pissed and uncomfortable. Colton's beet red. Becca is speechless. As I alluded to in my opening paragraph, Becca doesn't seem to be a very sexual person anyway, so this might not be a deal breaker. After "baring his soul", Becca pulls an Arie and walks out. The producers take the time to do an interview with Colton, who's understandably nervous. Despite the lack of chemistry, Becca needs somebody that knows what they're doing in bed. Sorrynotsorry.
Back at the house, Garrett and Blake speculate on sex and how they don't think that Colton will get a rose. Garrett even says he "wouldn't put a ring on it" until his future fiance put out.
Becca finally comes back and Colton's relieved but nervous and tries to make her feel guilty for her behavior by telling her it was really difficult for him to share his virginity story. However, to make this conversation even odder, he says he's waiting for the right moment (rather than marriage). Becca brings up Aly again and why the two of them didn't have sex if he loved her. In other words, WTF? Colton said he lied in the past because of all of the locker room talk. She seems to be convinced and Colton obviously gets the rose. Colton and Becca make out beside an
Back at the house, the next date card comes and it goes to Garrett. Blake continues his downward spiral. Blake--sshhhh, it's going to be okay. Jason's going to get the third one-on-one and you'll go on the group date, but you'll get the rose. I promise. Let me take a moment to remind everyone that Blake was "Mr. Independence" in his Bachelor bio. Colton comes back and the guys are not happy to see him. Blake has grown on me over time, but I suspect that's related to the fact that given the options, it's more of a "he's the least offensive one" rather than, "he seems really cool." Leo is obviously the coolest though not relationship material. Still, it's sad to see Blake spiraling into this self-doubt. And by sad, I mean, it's refreshing to see the guys having their minds messed with.
Garrett's One-on-One
Ugh, Garrett. They run to each other across the beach. They kick things off with a ride on a sea plane. Garrett's glad that Becca took him on this date because he likes fun. Unlike the other guys, who aren't so keen on fun (insert eye roll). That water does look amazing. Garrett and Becca do a PG version of frolicking on a private island. I'm mean, sure, you have a whole camera crew there but there have been plenty of couples before you that have ignored that. I sort of feel like this is coming off a little pervy and that's not my intention. Becca says she's falling for Garrett but she "has more questions". Of course she does.
Back at the hosue--it's the same scene. The next date card arrives and I was wrong--Blake finally gets his one-on-one. Chris, Leo and Wills aren't happy. Blake is near tears with relief and you can see his mood elevate. I'm a little surprised about this turn of events, but now it's clear that Jason will get the rose on the three-on-one.
Back at the evening portion of Garrett's date, Garrett says Becca gives really good toasts. What a compliment. Becca asks who she'd be meeting if he made Hometowns. His answer is "his family". Becca asks Garrett if his ex was so abusive, why did they get married. He was scared not to. She's worried that Garrett's going to change his personality to accommodate her. As annoying as Garrett is, I don't see that happening. He tells Becca that he's beginning to fall in love with her. How does he make that distinction? Needless to say, Becca eats it up. No shocker, he gets the rose. In what might be the most passionate scene on this show yet, they strip down to new bathing suits and run into the ocean to make out.
Blake's One-on-One
As with Garrett, Blake and Becca run across the beach to each other. Remember how I complain about every musical act that appears on this show? I take it all back. Baja Men, of Who Let the Dogs Out one-hit wonder fame, have a new song. It's called "Bumpa". Damn, Blake's a good dancer. Okay, this song is much better than Who Lets the Dogs Out.
They sneak off to a beach and talk about how lucky they are. Blake starts talking about how this week has been hard for him and Becca talks about how there are other guys that she has feelings for. He's not thrilled to hear this but I do think he's still a front runner.
Becca is thrilled that Blake has had a bad week because it demonstrates how strong his feelings are. They go off to dinner and Becca's ready to get to the bottom of Blake's family and who she'll be meeting next week. Blake's parents divorced when he was 15 because his mom was having an affair with Blake's basketball coach and English teacher. It's unclear if this was one guy or if there were two different guys. However--holy crap. So he's like Harvey Specter and has mommy issues. It sounds like it got worse for him before it got better. Growing up in a small town, everybody knew everybody's business. Blake's thrilled that Becca doesn't want that and wants to communicate with her partner. Again, see snide comments about Garrett liking "fun". He tells Becca that he's in love with her. No surprise, Blake gets the rose. As much fun as she has with Garrett, I think Blake is going to win this. She talks about him much differently than the other guys and said she wanted to tell him she loved him too. Please note that I don't think we ever did find out who we'll be meeting next week. And yes I mean "we".
Before Leo gets ready for his date, he's in man-bun mode. Wills, Leo and Jason all look solemn on what looks like a gray day. Jason claims to be psyched for today while Wills and Leo are dreading it. I think that's valid. Jason's been a bit of a dark horse. Wills as always is the best dressed. It's unfortunate that he underhand serves the volleyball though.
Each of the guys plead their cases. Jason would be a lot cuter if he cut his hair. Or take cues from Leo on how to make longer hair look good. When it's Leo's turn, he says in his interview the other guys can offer her a "nice house" and "an easy lifestyle". He, on the other hand, can offer her "love". Sorry, dude, love doesn't pay the bills. Leo's insecure that he's so different from the other guys. Leo tells Becca that at this point he's not ready to propose. Needless to say this isn't the answer that she wants, but it was clear that Leo was never going to make it past today. I can't believe he made it as far as he did. Becca decides to send Leo home, which I'm disappointed about because I would have really liked to see Leo's family.
The other guys are psyched that Leo gets sent home. Leo is left to awkwardly wander the beach and is stranded while Becca leaves with Wills and Jason. Ouch.
As they head into the evening portion of the date, Becca claims that she's going to have a hard time deciding between Jason and Wills. Jason's pretty confident and I'm confident for him. Becca pulls Jason aside and they make out for awhile. Becca asks if Jason has any reservations about bringing her home and obviously he says "no". Becca adds pressure by saying that other guys have expressed their feelings more eloquently than him. Jason gets a little defensive but handles it as well as he could. Jason is worried by her mind games.
Next up is Wills. As with Jason, they make out for awhile. Wills tells Becca that she's made him believe in wuv again, and he gets choked up. It's a very sweet speech and it's going to be that much more painful when he doesn't get the rose. I'm hopeful for him in BIP, though that generally hasn't gone well for African-Americans who show up--male or female. But maybe this year will be different.
As the evening progresses, it's finally time to give out the rose. Becca needs to decide if she goes for the guy who's expressed his feelings already (Wills) or go for the guy that hasn't (Jason). Becca makes her speech that this is the biggest decision she's made thus far, blah blah blah. Obviously she gives the rose to Jason and it hurts to see Wills' reaction. He's not as douchey as Chris, so he lets Becca walk him out. Becca says that she
Wills claims to be heartbroken but I'm sure he'll find comfort in Paradise. Jason and Becca make out some more. Wills jumps out of the car so he can try and cry in private.
Next week looks epic but we know that the producers tend to over dramatize the hometown episodes. And Tia drops a "bombshell". Perhaps that will be Colton's oust.
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