Title: Sisterland
Author: Curtis Sittenfeld
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Summary: Kate and Violet, twin sisters, have known since they were little that they were different because of their "senses". Kate has ignored her skills and has focused on a suburban life near St. Louis raising her kids with her husband. Violet, the more eccentric of the sisters, has used her skills to make a living. When Violet senses that a major earthquake is coming to St. Louis, the sisters are reunited and Kate is torn between shunning her sister and quietly wondering that Violet may be right.
Review: I read this book a few months ago but I'm behind on my reviews. However, even when I'm behind I start the draft and put my rating in and then come back to it. When I came upon this draft I couldn't remember what the book was about at first. I knew it was about identical twin sisters but I couldn't recall any details beyond that. When I reread the summary online I thought, "huh, only three stars? Because this was considered to be one of the best novels of 2014." However, I am always wary of those raves. What can I say? I'm a skeptic. I thought about upping the rating to four stars but I can't really remember what happens in the end, so clearly it wasn't memorable enough for my terrible memory. I guess this book was good enough? I think I liked it, but the inability to remember why leaves me at three stars.
Time to write:4:11
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