Title: Catching Air
Author: Sarah Pekkanan
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Summary: Kira Danner is looking for a new start. Frustrated and unhappy with her law career, she happily quits when Rand, her husband Peter's brother, asks if they want to join them in Vermont to start a B&B with Rand and his wife Alyssa. Peter and Rand aren't very close, so the request is surprising, but this might be what the brothers need to start over. The B&B gets busy fast, so they end up hiring Dawn, a mysterious stranger with secrets.
Review: This book is fluff in a good way, but not a great way. At the risk of giving the ending away, what I liked is I wasn't 100% positive that everything was going to work out in the end. I'm disappointed to say that it did. Bor-ing. It is wrapped up in a pretty little bow and that just isn't very interesting.
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