Title: Big Little Lies
Author: Liane Moriarty
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Summary: This story revolves around three friends who live in an affluent seaside town: Madeline, Celeste and Jane. All three have children that recently started Kindergarten. Jane, only 24, doesn't fit the profile of the other moms, but Madeline and Celeste take her under their winds. At the kindergarten orientation, Jane's little boy Ziggy is accused of bullying a little girl. This event divides the town into who sides with the mother of the little girl and who sides with Jane, Celeste and Madeline. Meanwhile, Celeste and Madeline are dealing with their own challenges around family and husbands. Things come to a head on the school's Trivia Night. when somebody dies. Was it murder? Just an accident?
Review: I love Liane Moriarty's work, although I didn't realize until I finished this that this was her work. In the interest of full disclosure, I listened to this book on CD and because Moriarty is an Australian author, it was read by somebody with an Australian accent. That probably helped me like the book a little more, but I still really liked this book. There's a great buildup to the night of the Trivia Night where the murder happens. For some reason I thought at first it was a woman that had died but it wasn't. I don't want to reveal too much, but this was the kind of work that I couldn't stop listening to but I started to dread the book ending. Another awesome peace of work by Moriarty.
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