Friday, August 1, 2014

Book review: Andrew's Brain

Title: Andrew's Brain
Author: E.L. Doctorow
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

Summary:  This book is about...I don't have the faintest idea.  This book is a conversation between Andrew and an unknown person about Andrew.  He rambles about his life and wives.  There's a sad story about a little girl that has no resolution.

Review:  This book is like ordering a crisp Sauvignon Blanc and getting a tumbler of scotch.  The scotch is probably good, it's just not what you ordered and what you were in the mood for.  I've never read a book by E.L. Doctorow and I'm not terribly familiar with his work.  And by not terribly familiar, I mean not familiar at all.  I've gotten quite a few comments from you dear readers on the volume of books I read.  Most of them don't require the level of concentration that this book required to read.  And it might be a good book, it's just not the book for me.  That's the main reason I gave it two stars versus one--didn't think my preference for a light summer white wine was Doctorow's total fault.  Still, this book is one that needs concentration and focus.  If you have more of that than me, then you might like this book better than I did.

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